Disk Two: The Voyage Begins

Written by Matthew Cowan
Tue 7th Mar 2023

Production Attic is excited to announce the launch of our newest brand, Disk Two, and the release of its first major production, the feature-length movie, Sea of Thieves: Voyage of a Lifetime.

We’re all about creating videos that cater to diverse audiences, and that’s why we’ve split our work into different brands, each with its unique approach.

Last year we launched Salt and Imagine Inclusive Films and this year will see Disk Two and the upcoming In House, each catering to different audiences and industries. Salt adds flavor to video for creative agency work, Imagine IF specializes in working with charities and third-sector organizations, while In House Video focuses on delivering corporate video and communications.

Disk Two is our newest addition, specializing in creating kickass behind-the-scenes and EPK content for film, TV, animation, and videogame clients.

See more at disktwo.com

And we couldn’t have picked a more epic film to kick off Disk Two’s portfolio!

Voyage of a Lifetime is a wild ride that explores the amazing development of Rare’s Sea of Thieves. Whether you’re a gamer or not, this movie promises to be an immersive and captivating journey that’ll leave you on the edge of your seat. You’ll get an inside look at the talented developers who brought the game to life, as well as see the impact the game has had on it’s community.

We’ve got a fantastic team at Production Attic, and we’re confident that Disk Two will become a household name for behind-the-scenes content and EPKs. Our films are all about bringing audiences closer to the world of their favorite movies, TV shows, and games.

So, sit back, relax, and enjoy the trailer for Voyage of a Lifetime! We’re thrilled to be a part of such an awesome project, and we can’t wait to continue creating more amazing content with Disk Two!