When you think of a creative company like Production Attic, you don’t often think of accounts or expenses. It is something that too many ‘creatives’ veer away from – put off by the general whiff of mathematics. However – accounting is an exceptionally important part of our business and although most of us shrink away from it like a vampire in the sun – there is one fearless hero who blazes a path to victory every time! Please meet Laura McMillian, our meticulous Finance Manager.

Laura started at Production Attic as an office assistant nearly eight years ago. It was also around this time that she was accepted to Glasgow Kelvin College to study HND Accountancy before going on to Glasgow Caledonian University where she graduated with a degree in accounting. Although Laura is more of a numbers person, she has always aimed to work in a creative industry. At Production Attic, Laura needs to have a hands on approach. With multiple projects, freelancers, equipment and expenses – it a role that throws up new challenges that she needs to tackle as they arise. Between keeping the books up to date, filing accounts, managing, forecasting and reconciling the budgets – Laura has her work cut out for her. Laura also has to take on the tremendous task of educating her colleagues on financial competence. Above all else, it is Laura’s job to keep an eye on the cash flow and make sure the business never goes into the red.

Laura is always willing to chip in on our projects, especially our 48 hour films. However, she is the first to admit that she often observes projects without having much creative involvement in them. Laura’s Dad is really into football and she was especially proud of the series of short films we produced for Football Saved My Life. It was a campaign she could happily show off to her family and know she had a part in showcasing something she loved.
On Laura’s list of greatest personal achievements is the tenacity of pulling herself out of a bit of a rut and going after a career she was passionate about. In anyone’s early 20’s, it is easy to fall into a level of surviving day to day. It takes a deal of strength and foresight to move when you are comfortable. Now, Laura is sitting her ACCA exams with the aim of becoming a chartered accountant by 2023. It is at the students own discretion as to how quickly they hope to get through their exams – but Laura is keen to get through them as speedily as she can in order to move on to the next stage of her career. However, she is keen to keep working in the creative sector – and we can’t blame her! As far as we can tell, accountants in the entertainment industry are definitely the cool kids on the block.
If Laura were to be an animated character, she would be Lana Cane from Archer. Always getting the job done, checking other people’s work, fixing other people’s work and taking a no nonsense approach. Personally, we also think Laura is kickass and we’re glad she’s on our team!