The ongoing fight against persecution of animals in the name of sport relies heavily on changes in government policy. At Production Attic, we are pleased to partner with causes we believe in and have enjoyed working with the League Against Cruel Sports on numerous campaigns. Predominantly our work with The League focuses on raising awareness of animal cruelty with members of the public as well as applying pressure during upcoming elections for previous policy promises to be delivered on.
A challenge that we have found when addressing animal cruelty and hunting practices is making engaging content that is clear in its messaging without going overboard and upsetting or distancing the viewer.
When working with The League, we have tended to work with animation, using an abstract concept to demonstrate a real issue. Below is the video we made in the run up to the Welsh elections in May. This video was commissioned to deliver an anti- snaring message.
We used the Welsh Dragon to symbolise the numerous types of animals that are caught in snares every year – evoking the sympathies and attentions of the Welsh people. We wanted to ignite both patriotic pride and disgust at the practice of snaring in the run up to the Welsh election. The Welsh dragon is a much-loved national icon and although we were aware snaring the dragon would be a difficult image – we also knew it would be thought provoking for the right reasons. We worked with an illustrator to design a dragon that could be shown in small closeups throughout the film without being recognisable until the end framing – where it is instantly recognisable as the Welsh dragon.

‘Production Attic helped to bring to life our campaign in Wales which aims to tackle the cruel use of snares and the caged breeding of birds by the shooting industry in the country. Two short and punchy animations highlighted our key campaign messages and helped us get these across to the public via social media. The campaign is still in progress but thanks to Production Attic we are closer to achieving our goals. They showed strong creative skills aligned with good organisational skills ensuring the films were delivered in time and to a high standard. Production Attic helped us get people talking about our campaign and taking the action to support it.’
Mike Nicholas, Senior Media Relations Officer
In our campaign against the caging of birds by the shooting industry, we used a mix of animation and live footage. For some of the more graphic concepts, we relied solely on animation – making sure to show the claustrophobic nature of the cages. We did this by bringing the walls in closer, then panning across multiple cages to provide context on the scale of this problem. To make the film as shocking and impactful as possible, we decided to use real footage of caged birds.
We overlayed our animation with factual content – making sure to show the scale of the issue. We then pushed out of our animation into real footage of caged birds. Our hope was to demonstrate the severity and pressing nature of the issue.
We are excited to announce our latest project for The League in the upcoming weeks. Stay tuned and keep an eye on our socials for further details.