Progress in Scotland’s Fox Hunting Legislation: Two Arrests Made

Written by Matthew Cowan
Tue 21st May 2024

At Production Attic, we’re thrilled to share some encouraging news in the fight against animal cruelty. Police in Scotland have arrested two men for allegedly breaching the new fox hunting legislation. This follows video surveillance and complaints from anti-hunt groups, including the League Against Cruel Sports.

The new Hunting with Dogs (Scotland) Act 2023, introduced last October, aims to close loopholes in the old law by limiting the use of dogs in hunting to packs of two. Since its implementation, Police Scotland has investigated six reports of illegal fox hunting, leading to these recent arrests.

Robbie Marsland, the Scotland Director of the League Against Cruel Sports, praised the police’s actions and the new legislation. The League, which has been instrumental in pushing for these changes, continues to monitor hunts and gather evidence to ensure the law is upheld.

Robbie Marsland giving a testimonial for some of our work over the years with The League

We at Production Attic have been proud to support the League Against Cruel Sports by creating a range of impactful films. Our work includes both live-action and animated content, some of which incorporates footage provided by hunt monitors. These films aim to raise awareness about the importance of ending illegal hunting practices. See more at

A Police Scotland spokesperson confirmed, “Since the introduction of the Hunting with Dogs Act in October 2023, we have investigated six reports of illegal fox hunting. A 29-year-old man has been charged with three hunting offences and is the subject of a report to the procurator fiscal. A second man, aged 55 years, was arrested following a report of three further hunting offences. He has been released pending further inquiry.” Read more at

As we continue our collaboration with the League Against Cruel Sports, we’re committed to supporting their mission and celebrating these significant strides in protecting Scotland’s wildlife. Stay tuned for more updates and our latest films highlighting this crucial work.