Making brand videos is something we take pride in.
Whether it’s a testimonial to show off your happy customers or a snappy animation to explain something important to your audience, we can help you deliver messages that matter.
But there’s something that every brand needs to think about when making video content.
What do your customers want to see? And more importantly, what is it that is going to convince them to take action and make a purchase?
A recent survey threw up some interesting answers to the following question:
What are the ideal qualities that would make an online video really valuable to you and your decision-making process?
The top 3 answers were as follows:
1. Reflects the specific products and services I own or are interested in
Imagine you’re browsing the web for online courses.
You’re willing to spend a fair wee whack of money on learning how to create marketing funnels for your business and my oh my, there are plenty to choose from!
Imagine one website has a video that gives an overview of all the different courses they provide.
The three-minute video skims over everything from graphic design and printmaking, to setting up a florist shop and of course marketing funnels.

On their competitor’s website, there is a similar video.
It’s also three minutes long but it’s solely dedicated to the marketing funnel course you’re considering purchasing.
It even has a section at the end that recommends alternative courses that might be more helpful to your needs.
Now consider, which out of these two videos is going to help you with your decision-making? And which one is likely to give you the reassurance you need before you invest a sizeable amount of money in the course?
The one which is specific to your needs of course.
2. Interactive, letting me decide what information I want to view and when
Interactive video is set to become even more prevalent in 2020 and for good reason.
Video ads of this kind earn 66 percent more engagement and 44 percent longer viewing time, and are 32 percent more memorable than non-interactive ads.
It might sound complicated, but most ads on social media are already interactive.
Have you ever clicked on the ‘sign up’ button on a convincing Instagram ad? That’s interactivity at its finest!
3. Includes recommendations for what I could or should do next
This means that you need to be clear about what you want the viewer to do once they’ve watched your video.
One clear instruction (e.g. follow me on Instagram) always works best.
Too many options always result in inaction.
For some brands, including a call to action within a video can increase clickthrough rates by 380 percent!

Wondering how to word your call to action? Try this:
- ContentVerve saw a 90% increase in click-through rate by using first-person phrasing: e.g. “Start my free 30-day trial” vs. “Start your free 30-day trial.”
- Helzberg Diamonds saw a 26% increase in clicks by adding an arrow icon to their CTA buttons. (Marketing Tech Blog)
It’s also worth mentioning the fourth most important thing that consumers want from video is simple.
They want the video they’re watching to automatically adjust to whichever device they are using at the time. We feel the same! In particular, mobile optimisation is key.
One thing is clear, you want to give your customer the best video experience possible and we can help.
Cal us now on 0141 363 2432 to find out more.