Potential cost

under £1k

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Estimate cost to provide a single camera operator to work to your brief. Please note this does not include likely travel expenses. This assumes we would hand rushes to you after the shoot on a drive you provide.

You can edit this estimate to see what other options may cost.

you script
and direct

story based

an event or presentation

with a 1
day shoot


videography camerawork

cinematic camerawork

no interviews or other audio

you edit
the film(s)

no simple animation

no complex animation

no voiceover narration

Production Management
0.5 days management at £480 per day

Regular communication including all meetings, consultation & reviews
All documentation including call sheets & risk assessments for the shoot
1 Day Shoot
Producer / Camera operator

4K (& slow motion) camera
Range of lenses
Potential travel & expenses
Value Added Services
Public Liability Insurance to £10m
Products Liability Insurance to £10m
Review your film(s) and make changes remotely with our online review service
You will own copyright of all footage, other materials & project files
Crew suggestion and days automatically estimated
Equipment and expenses costs subject to availability
For more information please see our Terms & Conditions

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Video similarities
  • Approx budget of under £1k
  • Single day shoot
  • Single camera
  • Videography style camerawork
    no tracking / drone / crane shots
  • No sound recording

  • Less production management
    sometimes our clients help with the planning to keep costs down
  • We edited this video as well as filming it
  • Little to no animation

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Compare with more examples

Scottish Xbox Controller
Corporate Video / Testimonial
We captured stylised product shots around Edinburgh of the Xbox custom tartan controller alongside filming interviews from the designers.
My McDonalds Rewards
Event Coverage
We filmed the Glasgow event for MyMcDonalds Rewards and, in addition to producing a Glasgow film, also produced a punchy wrap video of all of the events which took place throughout the UK.
Scottish Football Association
I Love Football - Jamie-Lee Napier
Corporate Video / Testimonial
A day in the life of professional footballer, Jamie-Lee Napier.
Laura Sayers Paper Illustration
Training / Instructional
We provided a team to shoot footage of Laura Sayers, an illustrator and paper artist, for Skillshare. Skillshare subsequently edited the footage into an educational film for their platform. Our filming approach involved capturing Laura's creative process from four distinct angles to ensure a comprehensive view of her work.

Production Management


Production Management is required ahead of any filming to draft and revise scripts, shotlists and storyboards. When creating animation it is also required to produce designs and animatic edits to approve the look and story.

During production and editing this includes a director to ensure that the vision we have agreed with you is delivered.


Production Management is required to supervise any planning, filming and editing. Ahead of filming this can include identifying and coordinating participants, casting, location scouting and scheduling.

During filming our Producer will create documentation such as briefing guides, risk assessments and call sheets. After any filming this includes editing supervision, edit reviews and quality control checks.
Scripting / direction

This estimate assumes that you are responsible for scripting and direction.

We can help with as much or as little as you need based on your experience and budget.

If you have experience producing films or if you are simply requiring a crew to cover an event or presentation you have already organised then we can take your lead on the scripting and direction.

If you need advice with the story and coordination then we can be responsible for all scripting and direction with advice from you.

Productions tend to fit into one of:
You script and direct story based film(s)
Story based film(s)

This estimate assumes we are creating a story based production.

Think of a TV advert or a movie. Character and emotionally driven.

If you are scripting and directing then this will likely be interview based or a highlights package of an event. We are great at directing non actors (such as company staff) and getting natural, compelling interviews.

If we are scripting and directing then this will likely be a short film focussing on a character's story.
You script and direct
Event or presentation

This estimate assumes we are creating a story based production instead.

A facts and figures based approach or the recording of an event in full.

If you are scripting and directing this will likely involve converting a presentation (a scripted talk or existing powerpoint) into something more engaging or the recording of an event like a talk or performance.

If we are scripting and directing this will involve the creation of an in depth corporate video.

Production (film shoot)

Filming days

This estimate assumes 1 day of filming.

Video production is priced at a day rate for crew and equipment. To be economical we try to fit as much into as few days as possible.

Often a single day will suffice. The only reason you should need more than a single day is to cover locations that are too far for one day; participants who can’t all be available on the one day or a very large amount of content needing filmed.

Adding extra days means more planning and often more editing due to the additional footage so we suggest sticking to a single day if possible.
Remove the shoot

This estimate assumes 1 camera will be used.

Usually a single camera will suffice. We only need more than one camera if two or more things are happening at the same time (eg an event with multiple stages); we are filming a process we can only get once and need multiple angles (such as a live performance or presentation) or if we have very limited time with participants (eg we film interviews and b-roll at the same time).

If budget allows multiple cameras will add production value. For example a 2 or 3 camera interview setup allows for an editing style that feels like a very high quality documentary.
Remove a camera
Shooting style

This estimate assumes filming with videography style camerawork.

Videography camerawork is quick and loose. It will involve a lot of handheld filming to capture a lot of content in a small amount of time. Emotionally this style of filming feels real and grounded. This will be punctuated by key shots on tripod such as interviews or establishing wide shots.

Cinematic camerawork involves the inclusion of specialist crew and equipment to capture impressive moving shots. This could be a drone, slider, crane, dolly / tracks, gimbal (stabiliser) or a combination of all. It allows us to include several key dramatic shots in a film.
Sound recording

This estimate assumes there will be no sound recording on the shoot.

Sound recording can involve interviews, dialogue between actors or presentation audio. In the case of events if you already have a PA we can take a feed from it without needing to charge for our own recording equipment.

Interviews are the most cost effective approach to convey information in a film. They require very little planning in advance. We will work with you to develop a list of bulletpoints we need to cover and then have an informal chat with participants until we are confident we have all the material needed for the edit. Our crews are great at putting people at ease and getting natural responses.
No sound recording

Post Production (editing)

Video editing

This estimate assumes you are editing the footage.

If we are editing we will agree a brief and a set number of revisions to the edit. We use an online review platform frame.io to ensure that feedback is clear, espcially when there are multiple stakeholders. We are happy to provide a free social media cutdown edit if requred for every project.

If you are editing then we can deliver files on the shoot day or just after. We can do this on a hard drive you provide or by FTP. Or for an additional cost we can buy a drive and courier it.
You edit

This estimate assumes we are not editing or recording voiceover.

Voiceover is an effective way to convey complex facts and figures. We will script a narrative; edit a placeholder recording in to our first draft and cast a professional voice actor who matches to the tone of adress you feel is best for your film. Then once the narrative is timed and approved we will record the final voiceover.

If we need to remove voiceover costs we can record a member of your team reading a script you draft.
Simple animation

This estimate assumes we are not editing or producing animation.

The inclusion of several animated shots. Likely 2D, this could be for a title card or animated name titles. It could also be animation of existing assets like product shots you provide.
Complex animation

This estimate assumes we are not editing or producing animation.

A fully animated 3d or 2d film. This assumes likely using stock assets (characters / props) but for higher budgets we can create everything from scratch.

If this estimate is too high or low consider our specialist brands

Transparent rates
for video production
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